Cattle Slaughtering Equipment Supplier, Pig Slaughter Equipment Supplier, Cattle Halal Slaughter Line Supplier in China, Pig Slaughter Line Supplier, Sheep Slaughterhouse Equipment Manufacturer, Poultry Slaughter Processing Machine, Cattle Abattoir Equipment, Goat Slaughter Line Machine, Hog Slaughter Line Equipment, Chicken Slaughter Line Machine

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1 Check the head, hoof and body surface

Inspect the completeness and color of the carcass surface, and check for skin lesions and joint swelling caused by the epidemic diseases specified in this regulation. Observe whether there are blisters, ulcers, and spots on the snout, gums, and hoofs. Before hair removal after bleeding, cut the mandibular area longitudinally along the bleeding hole to the peak area of ​​the jaw, and cut the mandibular lymph nodes on both sides to check for swelling and necrosis (purple, black, gray, yellow), and whether the cut surface is brick. Red, with or without edema, gel-like infiltration, etc. around it. Autopsy the masseter muscles on both sides, fully expose the section, and check for cysticercus cellulosae.

Click here to learn more about what the main slaughter equipment for pig/hog slaughterhouse.
Click here to watch how a modern pig abattoir slaughter line works.
Click here to learn what the detailed process of pig/hog slaughterhouse slaughter processing.

2 Check the internal organs

Before taking out the internal organs, observe the chest and abdominal cavity for fluid, adhesions, and fibrinous exudates. Check the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes for intestinal anthrax. After removing the internal organs, check the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, gastrointestinal, bronchial lymph nodes, hilar lymph nodes, etc. Heart   check the pericardium, cut the open heart capsule, check for degeneration, pericardial effusion, exudation, congestion, bleeding, necrosis and other symptoms. The heart is longitudinally sectioned at the atrioventricular boundary at the posterior edge of the heart parallel to the left longitudinal groove, and the endocardium, myocardium, blood coagulation status, mitral valve, and presence of tabby heart, cauliflower-like vegetation, and parasites are checked. Lungs inspect the lung shape, size, color, palpation elasticity, and check the lung parenchyma for necrosis, collapse, emphysema, edema, congestion, abscess, consolidation, nodules, fibrous exudate, etc. Open one side of the bronchial lymph nodes to check for bleeding, congestion, swelling, necrosis, etc. Necropsy of trachea and bronchus if necessary. Liver Inspect the shape, size, color, and elasticity of the liver, and observe whether there are congestion, swelling, degeneration, yellowing, necrosis, sclerosis, tumors, nodules, fibrinous exudates, parasites and other diseases. Open the hilar lymph nodes to check for bleeding, congestion, swelling, necrosis, etc. Necropsy of the bile duct if necessary. Spleen Check the shape, size, color, and palpate elasticity to check for swelling, congestion, necrosis, border hemorrhagic infarction, capsule bulge and adhesion. Necropsy of the spleen if necessary. Stomach and intestines were inspected to observe the gastrointestinal serosal membrane to observe the size, color and texture, and check for congestion, bleeding, necrosis, jelly-like exudates and adhesions. Make an arc-shaped incision with a length of not less than 20 cm for the mesenteric lymph nodes to check for congestion, bleeding, necrosis, ulcers and other lesions. Necropsy if necessary, check the mucosa for congestion, bleeding, edema, necrosis, and ulcers.

Splitting band saw reciprocating splitting saw automatic splitting machine pig hog swine abattoir equipment slaughtering machine
Click here to watch the factory video of abattoir & slaughtering equipment manufacturer in China.
Established in 1984, we provide turnkey abattoir solutions for pig or hog slaughter line including the slaughterhouse design, all the slaughtering equipment, slaughter and meat processing machine and accessories, installation and training. We also supply complete slaughterhouse solutions for livestock, cattle or cow, horse, sheep or goat, and poultry or chicken or broiler.

3 Check the carcass

Check skin, subcutaneous tissue, fat, muscles, lymph nodes, bones, thoracic cavity and abdominal serous membrane for congestion, bleeding, rashes, yellow stains, abscesses, and other abnormalities. Check the superficial inguinal lymph nodes on both sides near the inguinal subcutaneous ring for congestion, edema, hemorrhage, necrosis, hyperplasia and other diseases. Necropsy if necessary, deep inguinal lymph nodes, subiliac lymph nodes and internal iliac lymph nodes. Psoas muscle Make an incision of about 10 cm along the direction of the muscle fibers on both sides of the junction of the sacral and lumbar vertebrae to check for cysticercus cellulosae. “Kidney” Peel off the renal capsules on both sides, visually inspect the shape, size, color, texture of the kidney, and observe for anemia, bleeding, congestion, swelling and other pathologies. If necessary, a longitudinal necropsy of the kidney is performed to check the cortex of the cut surface for color changes, bleeding, and bulging.

4 Trichinella examination

Take about 30 grams of each of the left and right diaphragmatic feet, which are the same as the carcass number, tear off the muscle membrane, and perform microscopic examination after sensory inspection.

5 Review

The official veterinarian will review the above-mentioned quarantine situation and comprehensively determine the quarantine result.

6 Result processing

If the quarantine is qualified, the official veterinarian shall issue an “Animal Quarantine Qualification Certificate”, affix the quarantine inspection seal, and put a quarantine mark on the meat that is divided and packaged. If the quarantine fails, the official veterinarian shall issue an “Animal Quarantine Treatment Notice” and deal with it in accordance with the following regulations. Those who are found to be suffering from the epidemic diseases stipulated in this regulation shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant regulations. If it is found to be suffering from a disease other than those specified in this regulation, the supervising field (factory, site) shall treat the diseased pig carcass and by-products in accordance with the “Regulations for the Biosafety Treatment of Diseased Animals and Diseased Animal Products” It is required to implement disinfection and make a “biological safety treatment record”. Supervise the field (factory, site) to do a good job in the quarantine of diseased animals and the harmless treatment of waste.

7 The official veterinarian shall take care of hygiene and safety protection during the simultaneous quarantine.

8 Quarantine records

Official veterinarians shall supervise and instruct the slaughterhouse (factory, point) to prepare various records of waiting for slaughter, emergency slaughter, and biosafety treatment. Official veterinarians shall make records of procedures such as admission supervision and inspection, quarantine declaration, pre-slaughter inspection, and simultaneous quarantine. The quarantine records should be kept for more than 12 months.

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